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Monday, October 10, 2011


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Reservoirs of Thought

It is possible to come in contact with reservoirs of thought of Great Lives in Space. These thoughts are not similar to the thoughts which channels or mediums transmit from "space-people." These thoughts are very revelatory and dynamic. They introduce great changes into life and often express themselves as great inventions, leadership, creative movements, and synthesis.

Many people have contact with such thoughts, but they are divided into various levels:

1. Those who know about the existence of such reservoirs of thought but cannot tune in with them.
2. Those who have certain contacts with these thoughts but do not have the needed equipment and purity to express or translate them.
3. Those who have a communication line with these thoughts but who, because of their limitations or separative interests, lower the charge of the currents and use them for their narrow fields.
4. Those who have conscious contact with them and who, because of their dedication to the Common Good, can receive a tiny current from them and use them creatively to uplift people around them.
5. Those who are really in tune with them and who, because of their age-long preparation and readiness, receive them and broadcast them as life-giving ideas, visions, and revelations to humanity. These are ones who are called Masters.

The progress of the human being is a process of better and better tuning in with such reservoirs of thought

As air and sunshine are necessary for planetary life, the thought reservoirs-of Great Lives are more necessary for the survival of humanity. It is these thoughts that orient people toward their future development and achievements.

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Crystallized Thinking

Those who are living in crystallized thoughtforms, traditions, and religions do not keep pace with the advancing life.

Such thoughtforms, traditions, and religious beliefs keep people retarded on the path of evolution and gradually create friction with the advancing life. This friction eventually reaches such a momentum that it begins to violate the laws formulated by the advancing life.

For example, the cruelties practiced by crystallized fanatics in politics, religion, or in other fields eventually make them confront the law and fall into endless troubles.

People who act through crystallization cannot generally change and be inclusive except by falling into trouble and facing themselves. Their misdeeds — viewed from the progressive viewpoint — become not only their judge but also their salvation.

It is observed that all crystallized thinking acts against the Common Good because crystallization becomes for people a shelter in which to pursue their egocentric interests. On the other hand, such people do a great service to humanity not because of their good deeds but because of their violations and J mistakes.

It is not easy to change the thinking of people, the laws, and the traditional ways of living by fighting against them, but a big violation of the law or the manifestation of a mistake can shake people and urge them to take actions to prevent future repetitions of the same mistakes.

Sometimes those who have done wrong are victims, but through their involuntary sacrifice they have changed many things in life.

The present method of dealing with wrong doers is to punish them. In the future this will change. Every convicted person will enter into schools of transformation where they will be subjected to various methods of a transformation process.

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Every object or event we experience leaves in our etheric brain an image with a specific frequency. When we see the object again or experience a similar event, that special image frequency identifies with it and we remember the previous object or event. Each identification processes into a memory.

Actually our etheric brain is part of the global etheric brain. The global etheric brain is the hard disk. Our etheric brain is a floppy disk, but its contents are also in the hard disk. This floppy disk has the ability to penetrate into the hard disk of the planet and record much information of a higher order. Until the scientists accept the etheric brain, they will ponder and remain in the labyrinths of the physical brain.

Ancients researched memory and called the planetary etheric brain Akasha. Akasha is the hard disk. The same recordings in the individual are in Akasha. The difference is that Akasha contains the sumtotal of the memory of all objects and events, and the floppy disk is individual. When the individual develops the Antahkarana, which connects the floppy disk to Akasha, the individual slowly becomes aware of the records of Akasha.

In comparison to the solar memory hard disk, the planetary hard disk is a floppy disk. The planetary Antahkarana must be connected to it to make the?* planetary floppy disk contact the solar hard disk.

There are several obstacles to memory. Our memory does not function if the electrical or etheric brain is polluted with the lies and deceit through which we manipulated people. Also, our memory withdraws after every criminal act or hateful act we commit. It is very interesting that our memory is closely linked to our eyesight. When our memory weakens, our eyesight weakens.

Other obstacles to our memory are glamors, illusions, crystallizations, and maya.

Glamors are crystallizations in the astral plane. Illusions are crystallizations in the mental plane. Maya is a crystallization of force in the-etheric plane. These crystallizations affect the etheric brain, and a tumor is created through which memory is leaked into the ocean of the All Penetrating Mind, the Universal Mind, Mahat. The mind short-circuits because of these three obstacles.

Various viruses which impede the memory are the result of such obstacles. Distortion of energy patterns in the etheric brain evoke or create viruses that destroy the vehicles of the distorted etheric brain.

Thus, everything we experience goes to the hard disk in the planetary computer as well as being recorded in our own diskette. This diskette is built by ! etheric matter and is encased by brain cells. Memories can be awakened through brain cells combined with etheric matter, or they can be awakened through etheric beings which the soul contacts at times.

The brain has no specific portion for specific functions, but the etheric body has corresponding places in the etheric brain that affect the dense physical brain as its dense counterpart. Also the etheric brain as a diskette does not own the memories. They are in the etheric body and in the hard disk of the planet.

Kinds of Memory:

There are two kinds of memory. The first is the ability to remember events, words, poems, ideas, music, etc. The second one is the subjective memory.

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How to Free Yourself From the Pressure of the Past

Those people who cannot free themselves from the memories of their wrong doings and are continuously hounded by them will find the following ritual to be of great assistance.

Spiritual transformation cannot proceed in the right way and at the required speed if the consciousness of the aspirant or disciple is loaded with memories of harmful acts committed at various times and places, under various circumstances.

These memories may be uprooted through repentance, if the subject cannot find any other way to free himself of them. Repentance is conducted by

1. Remembering

• harmful actions
• harmful feelings
• harmful thoughts
• harmful words or slander
• harmful behavior

2. Pondering the future consequences of the above factors regarding others and oneself

3. Deciding not to repeat these five factors

4. Compensating those to whom harm was done in various ways, whether by thought, word, or action

5. Invoking divine power to help you resist any tendency to hurt people for self-interest or because of jealousy, revengefulness, hatred, greed, or irritation

Lord Buddha says, "All sins are just like frost or dew. The Sun of wisdom can disperse them."

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Thinking is the process to:

a. search and discover
b. translate
c. relate
d. transmit energy
e. create
f. direct energy
g. destroy
h. analyze
i. solve problems
j. put things into application
k. synthesize

These are the eleven main qualities of a mind that is in the process of thinking.

a. The mind searches for causes and for their possible effects. It learns how the causes produce effects. It sees how effects in their turn become causes to produce further effects. If we develop our minds, we will be able to avoid creating causes which will lead us to destruction, and we will know how effects can be annihilated by creating new causes.

b. The mind also translates the impressions coming from the five senses. It also translates impressions, ideas, inspirations, and visions coming from higher sources and formulates them for application. It is only through right translation that the mind communicates the source of the "message" and takes right action.

c. The mind relates. Thinking is a process of building relationships. Through thinking man learns that life can exist only on the foundation of right relationship. Thinking means to relate things to each other in right ways. It is just like writing a paragraph: each word must be related in the right way to express a meaning. If the words are related improperly, there will be no meaning but only chaos. The mind tries to relate to give manifestation to an idea.

d. The mind transmits energy. If the mind is not in order, the physical body does not receive the proper amounts of energy. We are told that prana is digested only when the mind is in high order.

The mind is the transmitter of energy into the nervous system. The slightest conflict or agitation in the mind weakens the nervous system, the glandular system, and their corresponding organs.

As the mind develops and refines, it transmits higher energy to the body. A period even comes in the life of the individual in which the mind not only transmits energy but also regenerates, heals, and transforms the body.

e. The mind creates. Thinking is a creative process. The creative process is an effort to translate and manifest an idea in a form that was not in existence before.

On every level, in every age, we have different needs. The mind tries to meet our needs by constructing forms that can be used, forms which give intense joy, forms which lead us toward higher achievements.

True creativity is a process of actualizing an idea. If the idea is not in the created form, it is a failure.

f. The mind directs energy through thoughts, through thoughtforms, through concentration, and through vision.

As the human being develops, he will be able to energize seeds, plants, trees, and human beings through his thought power. Through thought power man will put his physical, etheric, emotional, and mental mechanisms in order and eliminate factors that are not in harmony with health, joy, and freedom. It will even be possible to use the mind to eliminate and destroy hindrances in the seven fields of human endeavor.

g.Thinking can also destroy. In one sense it destroys superstitions, prejudices, illusions, vanities, and ignorance. In another sense it destroys cultures, civilizations, spiritual values, and those who are carriers of values. For a long time thinking can go in both directions unless the heart sheds its light upon it. Once the light of the heart is felt in the mind, thoughts only destroy those elements that hinder the path of humanity toward freedom, unity, and synthesis.

h. The mind analyzes. Thinking is a process of analysis. In analysis we try to see the individual parts that form the whole. The concept of wholeness cannot be achieved until the analyzer realizes that the parts only have a value in the wholeness. Once the relationship is seen between the parts and the whole, the analyzer finds out how to condition the parts to make them have right relationship with the whole.

i. The mind solves problems. Thinking is a problem-solving labor. Those who do not know how to think create problems. Those who know how to think solve problems.

So far, the human mind has solved many problems created by those who did not know how to think. If human thought is guided by higher principles, the planet will survive. If not, through wrong thinking, selfish thinking, dark thinking, we will end all that we created on this planet since the Atlantean disaster. The sinking of Atlantis proved that Atlanteans did not know how to think. Do we?

j. The mind puts things into application. This is thinking. If you cannot think, you cannot use all that exists around you. You may misuse things, which means you do not use things for the purpose for which they were created; you use things not for your and others' best interests but for creating chaos.

Thinking is the art through which you apply things in right ways and receive maximum results.

k. The mind synthesizes. Thinking is a process of orchestration of many laws, principles, objects, memories, formulas, plans, and goals. Each thought is a synthesis, and real thinking has the power to synthesize.

To synthesize means to relate things in such a way that all parts benefit, dedicating themselves for the Common Good, for the whole. The greater the power of synthesis, the greater the mind. One can keep his balance and harmony with the energies of the Universe only through surfing on the summits of synthesis.

Furthermore, thinking has three levels. On the first level the evolving human soul penetrates the peripheries of the light of the Inner Guide and through that light solves his basic problems.

On the second level the evolving human soul penetrates deeper into the light of the Inner Guide, and a kindling process takes place within his Core. It is through increasing the light within himself that the human soul tries to meet his problems.

On the third level the evolving human soul fuses his light with the light of the Inner Guide, and with this blended light he meets his problems. At this stage he has the viewpoint and strength of the light of the Inner Guide, which not only illuminates his mind but also inspires and reveals higher visions.

Thought is creative when it is the manifestation of an inner Plan and Purpose and causes transformation in others, leading them toward a purposeful life.


There are nine mental stages which characterize stages of our development. They are:

1. Dullness
2. Agitation
3. Mechanical reflection
4. Concern
5. Engagement in problems
6. Thinking
7. Deeper thinking
8. Higher thinking
9. Creativity

These nine stages of mind gradually develop in us through our striving. They are characterized by

1. Dullness, inertia, involvement in maya, carelessness, apathy, depression, indifference.

2. Agitation of the senses which demand pleasure, satisfaction, food, dress, shelter, transportation.

3. Mechanical reflection, following instincts, following orders, commands, thoughts, or desires of others, following the ideas and opinions of the masses.

4. Concern about business, life, wife, husband, children, future.

5. Engagement in problems such as food, health, money, housing, war, pain, suffering.

6. Starting to think on our own, trying to solve our own problems, trying to protect our body, family, future, and finding the ways and means to do it.

7. Deeper thinking, seeing the causes of many events, trying to find the laws controlling life in general, trying to prevent destruction, transmuting energies to higher centers.

8. Higher thinking, coming closer to the Hierarchical Plan, cooperating with the Law of Hierarchy, finding the laws controlling the astral and mental worlds, receiving impressions from higher sources and formulating them to meet the needs of life.

9. Creative thinking, bringing into existence those forms which will allow people to surpass their difficulties and their present level, come in contact with beauty, energy, love, light, and joy, and find their way toward superhuman evolution.

We can prepare for higher mental states by exercising

1. Discrimination
2. Dispassion
3. Self-control
4. Desire for liberation

Discrimination is thinking in relation to the Plan or the Purpose, or in the light of the Plan and Purpose. Discrimination is not only knowing but also choosing the factors that are in harmony with the Plan and Purpose.

Dispassion is the ability to insulate oneself from the influence of self-interest, the influence of objects and persons, and think in the clear light of the consciousness.

Self control is the ability to control your personality and life with the purpose of your divine Self.

Desire for liberation is the urge to stand above your physical, emotional, and mental worlds and act by the intuitional light.


Thoughts are electrical waves with different frequencies and voltages emanating from minds.

People move constantly within the presence of thoughts. Thoughts exist in space, and they have their life cycles. Some live long years and influence people's minds and Nature as a whole. Some live a short life, and some fade away right after they are born.

Human minds radiate thoughtwaves constantly. They create them or reflect them. They amplify them or weaken them. Thoughtwaves always keep the human mind and human life busy.

You can accept thoughts or reject them. You can see the effects of your thoughts on others and on yourself. Also, you can see the effects of the thoughts of others on life in general. You can produce thoughts that are beautiful and that help you and others enjoy life and progress on the path of perfection.

Thoughts as objects can be known and brought under your control through

1. observation
2. concentration
3. discrimination

These three steps will enable you to master your thought life and use your thoughts creatively.

Through observation you can find out how thoughts are produced, their quality, the sources of various thoughts, and how and by what centers they are registered.

Some people do not know that they have thoughts. They do not-know that thoughts exist as separate objects. In some cases they are identified with their thoughts.

There are mainly eight sources of thoughts:

1. Thoughts are produced by lower level human beings. These beings are mostly focused in the centers below the diaphragm. Eighty percent of all thoughtforms are generated by such beings. They are mostly thoughtforms of desires such as sex, food, objects, anger, fear, and greed. Although these thoughts live a short life, like flies they multiply at a high speed and affect the human mind to a great extent.

With observation, concentration, and discrimination you will be able to find the source of these thoughts, how and through what center you registered them, and how to take right action toward them.

People are of the opinion that thoughts are registered only by the brain. This is not true. You can register thoughts with your whole aura. Thoughts affect the centers in your etheric, emotional, and mental bodies by synchronizing or tuning in with them. It is important to find out where the thoughts are registered and how they createindependent reactions from your centers or conscious responses from your mind.

2. Thoughts are projected or emanated from lower entities trapped in etheric or astral spheres. They have a powerful urge to come in contact with living beings to satisfy physical cravings that have been taken away from them. These thoughts are related to various crimes dealing with narcotics, alcohol, sex, etc., and they create serious pollution once they find a person or group to broadcast them. Often they build a contact with a person's mind. If they are accepted, they slowly obsess and possess him and lead him to those experiences through which they satisfy their cravings, urges, and drives.

3. Thoughts are produced by the Fiery World. These are higher thoughts. The Fiery World is the mental plane and higher planes. In those planes there are many entities who know how to think and project creative thoughts. Also, the Fiery World is the world in which living human beings can create their thoughts, if they are advanced enough on the Path.

4. There are still other sources from which great currents of thought reach us. One of them is the domain of the Plan, and another source is from the world .of Purpose. The Plan radiates streams of thoughts and ideas. They are very creative and powerful, and they are related to the culture and civilization of humanity. Thoughts from the Plan are related to the seven fields of human endeavor, and they help us create changes and bring new vision into those seven fields. Thoughts coming from the Plan create cooperation, harmony, understanding, and service.

Thoughts coming from the Purpose are dynamic, electrical, and revelatory. They operate like lightning and give you a sudden realization of facts which reveal the Path and the destination of the Path. Thoughts coming from the Purpose create willpower, direction, consistency, stability, endurance, solemnity, striving, and inclusiveness.

By observing the thoughts you eventually learn to discriminate between them.

5. Thoughts come from your Solar Angel. These thoughts are very uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging, and they awaken in you a spirit of striving and achievement. The thoughts of the Solar Angel are sources of wisdom and are like seeds for your garden of creativity. The thoughts of the Solar Angel inspire you by giving you endurance and equilibrium during the dark nights of your life.

When a man is in the process of paying great amounts of karmic debt, the thoughts of the Solar Angel make him pay them joyfully, willingly, silently, and without complaint.

Another very peculiar characteristic of the thoughts coming from the Solar Angel is righteousness. You see clearly that all that is happening to you is righteous. This gives you a great release, and you prepare yourself to pay your karma in joy and in patience.

Observation is the characteristic of a man who wants to advance. Those who do not want to advance are called "gophers." A gopher is a man who does not observe. He lives underground and is happy there.

Observation is the road to progress. Observe your actions and reactions. Try to find the origin of your actions. Try to recognize and discriminate among your thoughts, and you will be a wise man.

6. Another source of thoughts is the human soul. As the human soul advances, he changes the source of his thoughts; he tries to receive thoughts from higher and higher sources, and a time comes when he becomes a "thinker."

First he discriminates between thoughts. Then he receives impressions and clothes them with his own thoughts. Eventually he senses the impressions coming from his own Core. It is at this moment that the human soul starts to think in line with the Plan and Purpose of the Supreme Thinker.

In each human being a Divine genius is hidden, and it manifests through th£ creative thought of the human soul. There are very few souls who know how to think or how to express the electrical energies and directions coming from their own Core. Meditation and contemplation are techniques to contact the Core and release It.

When the human soul is in the process of making greater and greater contact with his own Core, he becomes more and more sensitive to the impressions coming from higher sources and from archetypal thoughts. The most creative period of the human soul is the period in which he can observe, discriminate, and use the thoughts reaching him from his essential Core.

7. There are thoughts that come into existence when impressions streaming from higher sources contact the human soul. Impressions are not thoughts. They are radiations of great Lives, great Entities. These impressions change into thoughtforms when the human soul contacts them and tries to translate them according to his needs and according to the conditions of life in general.

8. Thoughts come to our mind from the archetypal planes. Archetypes are Divine thoughts. When the Solar Lords meditate and think, They create Archetypes in the Cosmic Mental Plane. These Archetypes slowly come down and impress our mind, and we try to create according to them. But our creativity is like the drawings of a three year old child in comparison to the art of a Leonardo da Vinci.

Such thoughts are faint echoes of the Divine thoughts, but in those faint echoes the seed of the vision of the Archetypes is present. Such kinds of thoughts open the path of steady progress in all fields of human endeavor. These Archetypes are Divine thoughts which are in the process of manifestation or objectification.

When one contacts such thoughts, he builds a thread of contact through which he gradually penetrates deeper into the Divine Mind.

Every form in the Universe is the shadow of an Archetype. Man cannot create a form whose Archetype does not exist in higher planes. The creativity of man depends on his ability to surpass progressively the forms that he produced through his labor and on his ability to find the higher correspondence of the forms he created. As he advances in perfecting his creativity, he penetrates deeper into the Divine Mind. Each perfected form leads him closer to still higher perfections.

Observation is the ability to see things as theyare.

Concentration is the ability to relate yourself tc objects you see.

Discrimination is the ability to choose between the objects according to your goals and intentions.

People are born with their past hang-ups, and they continue their life where they left off previously.

Is it possible to change the life of the planet in view of the above facts? Some people think it is an impossibility. Others think it is a possibility. Both are right. If something seems impossible for a man, it becomes impossible for him. If something seems possible for him, it becomes possible for him. Also, something that is possible for me can be impossible for you for a while. This is why one cannot say that something is possible or impossible. It can be one or the other.

A disciple is a man who makes impossible things possible and possible things impossible.

An Initiate is a self-made soul.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases

It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be a little bit more aware of it. A little bit.
It is for this reason that I spent the last 15 years of my life researching and writing books on cultivating discernment on the spiritual path in all the gritty areas--power, sex, enlightenment, gurus, scandals, psychology, neurosis -- as well as earnest, but just plain confused and unconscious, motivations on the path.
As I have come to know hundreds of spiritual teachers and thousands of spiritual practitioners through my work and travels, I have been struck by the way in which our spiritual views, perspectives and experiences become similarly "infected" by "conceptual contaminants" -- comprising a confused and immature relationship to complex spiritual principles can seem as invisible and insidious as a sexually transmitted disease.
The following 10 categorizations are not intended to be definitive but are offered as a tool for becoming aware of some of the most common spiritually transmitted diseases.
1. Fast-Food Spirituality: Mix spirituality with a culture that celebrates speed, multitasking and instant gratification and the result is likely to be fast-food spirituality. Fast-food spirituality is a product of the common and understandable fantasy that relief from the suffering of our human condition can be quick and easy. One thing is clear, however: spiritual transformation cannot be had in a quick fix.

2. Faux Spirituality: Faux spirituality is the tendency to talk, dress and act as we imagine a spiritual person would. It is a kind of imitation spirituality that mimics spiritual realization in the way that leopard-skin fabric imitates the genuine skin of a leopard.

3. Confused Motivations: Although our desire to grow is genuine and pure, it often gets mixed with lesser motivations, including the wish to be loved, the desire to belong, the need to fill our internal emptiness, the belief that the spiritual path will remove our suffering and spiritual ambition, the wish to be special, to be better than, to be "the one."

4. Identifying with Spiritual Experiences: In this disease, the ego identifies with our spiritual experience and takes it as its own, and we begin to believe that we are embodying insights that have arisen within us at certain times. In most cases, it does not last indefinitely, although it tends to endure for longer periods of time in those who believe themselves to be enlightened and/or who function as spiritual teachers.

5. The Spiritualized Ego: This disease occurs when the very structure of the egoic personality becomes deeply embedded with spiritual concepts and ideas. The result is an egoic structure that is "bullet-proof." When the ego becomes spiritualized, we are invulnerable to help, new input, or constructive feedback. We become impenetrable human beings and are stunted in our spiritual growth, all in the name of spirituality.

6. Mass Production of Spiritual Teachers: There are a number of current trendy spiritual traditions that produce people who believe themselves to be at a level of spiritual enlightenment, or mastery, that is far beyond their actual level. This disease functions like a spiritual conveyor belt: put on this glow, get that insight, and -- bam! -- you're enlightened and ready to enlighten others in similar fashion. The problem is not that such teachers instruct but that they represent themselves as having achieved spiritual mastery.

7. Spiritual Pride: Spiritual pride arises when the practitioner, through years of labored effort, has actually attained a certain level of wisdom and uses that attainment to justify shutting down to further experience. A feeling of "spiritual superiority" is another symptom of this spiritually transmitted disease. It manifests as a subtle feeling that "I am better, more wise and above others because I am spiritual."

8. Group Mind: Also described as groupthink, cultic mentality or ashram disease, group mind is an insidious virus that contains many elements of traditional co-dependence. A spiritual group makes subtle and unconscious agreements regarding the correct ways to think, talk, dress, and act. Individuals and groups infected with "group mind" reject individuals, attitudes, and circumstances that do not conform to the often unwritten rules of the group.

9. The Chosen-People Complex: The chosen people complex is not limited to Jews. It is the belief that "Our group is more spiritually evolved, powerful, enlightened and, simply put, better than any other group." There is an important distinction between the recognition that one has found the right path, teacher or community for themselves, and having found The One.

10. The Deadly Virus: "I Have Arrived": This disease is so potent that it has the capacity to be terminal and deadly to our spiritual evolution. This is the belief that "I have arrived" at the final goal of the spiritual path. Our spiritual progress ends at the point where this belief becomes crystallized in our psyche, for the moment we begin to believe that we have reached the end of the path, further growth ceases.

"The essence of love is perception," according to the teachings of Marc Gafni, "Therefore the essence of self love is self perception. You can only fall in love with someone you can see clearly--including yourself. To love is to have eyes to see. It is only when you see yourself clearly that you can begin to love yourself."
It is in the spirit of Marc's teaching that I believe that a critical part of learning discernment on the spiritual path is discovering the pervasive illnesses of ego and self-deception that are in all of us. That is when we need a sense of humor and the support of real spiritual friends. As we face our obstacles to spiritual growth, there are times when it is easy to fall into a sense of despair and self-diminishment and lose our confidence on the path. We must keep the faith, in ourselves and in others, in order to really make a difference in this world.
Adapted from Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path (Sounds True).

Monday, July 11, 2011

Polarity in Thought by torkom saraydarian

Polarity in thought does not mean that a thought can be both criminal and philanthropic, both dark and light, both negative and affirmative , or both false and true.

Thought is like a magnet. Magnetism is in every form, and it has positive and negative poles.

With the positive pole , it expands. With the negative side, it focuses. Without focus , there is no expansion. Without expansion, focus is dead. Focus relates man to the need of the present. Expansion relates man to the need of the future.

Our emotions also have a polarity: our self and the other self , or the all –self. Without the self, one cannot see the other self.

Polarity of emotion does not mean that you love and hate. Actually , negative emotions have no polarity.

Polarity of emotions means attraction and repulsion. You attract good and repulse evil. This is how you can keep your equilibrium of polarity.

Our bodies have polarity. They are magnetic and radiator. Sometimes the magnetism is more than the radiation, or vice versa. They fluctuate.

Thus our bodies , emotions, and thoughts have polarity. The point of equilibrium is the ability to choose which pole to use for certain occasions and in what dosage. The point of equilibrium works according to the need and the conditions.

Polarity is not composed of two forces which try to destroy each other , but of forces which try to cooperate with each other. For example, I think, “ let me help that person, without hurting his wife, ”this is polarity in thought. Both if I say ,” let me help that man , to hurt his wife,” I have two thoughts---a constructive thought and a destructive thought. Two antagonistic thoughts destroy polarity in thought.

When a thought has no polarity, it is not a thought but an obstacle in the mind. People fail because they carry antagonistic thoughts in their minds . antagonistic thoughts are food without nutritional value, which poisons the system.

The same thing is true for emotions and actions. If a person has antagonistic emotions, he is in confusion, in storm, and he has no true emotions. He cannot love and hate the same object, although he may deceive himself with words.

Our actions also have polarity. However good and evil are not polarities but antagonistic forces. Polarity in action means that your action is good for you and for all that exists. If your action is good for you only or others only, there is no polarity or equilibrium in it.

Polarity in action means that your action is good for your body, heart, and mind. if it good for your body and bad for your mind, there is no polarity in it.

Insanity is absence of polarity in thought. Sanity is the presence of polarity in thought, used by the power of equilibrium.

Polarity or pairs of opposites:

1. Higher worlds , daily life
2. Rest , labor
3. Silence, talk
4. Attraction, repulsion
5. Interest, indifference
6. Labor for oneself, labor for others
7. Attack, retreat
8. Personality, soul

The polarity of thought is, in a sense, the law of balance. 


People think that concentration is only a mental ability, by which you focus your mind on an object. But this not the whole story. Concentration involves not only your mind but also your physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. When all these energies are focused on an object , you are in a state of concentration.

It is very strange but true that the majority of people does not have any object of interest where the weight of their life is concentrated. The majority of people does not have an object of concentration, and their attention is scattered. Such people do not have any life focus; every day, every month, and every year they change their focus from one object to another, from one part of the body to another.

* Dedication is concentration
* Devotion is concentration
* Enthusiasm is concentration
* Faith, in its real meaning, is a concentrated enthusiasm plus the awareness of the future achievements.
* A promise is a form of concentration
* Consistency and stability are forms of concentration
* Endurance is form of concentration
* Nobility is concentration.
* Another form of concentration is self – denial.
* Heroism is concentration.

Enemies of concentration: 

* The greatest enemy of concentration is doubt.
* Another enemy of concentration is the control of the past upon you.
* Another enemy of concentration is cleavages found in your nature.
* Another enemy of concentration is disturbance in space or in the environment.
* Guilt feelings destroy your concentration.
* Another enemy of concentration is imitation of the ways of our adversaries.
* Another hindrance on the path of concentration is emotional hang ups or traps.

How can we help our concentration?

Dedicate your self to a creative project, which will help humanity to free itself from all dangers. 

                                                    Do everything you do with all your heart. 


Monday, June 27, 2011

The Creative Use of Energy.

One must think in every way about economy of energy.

To expand our consciousness and to be creative in our world as well as in our outer relationships, we must first learn about the energies controlling our life expression.

It is interesting to note that all energy, the energy which we use for all actions and functions, is one. Its main source is one, but we have in our nature reservoirs where some energy is stored to use in time of need.

The main reservoirs are:
1. The physical body and its electrical counterpart.
2. The emotional nature.
3. The mental nature.
4. The psychic nature.
5. These four reservoirs have their special outlets for energy distribution. We have seven main outlets through which the one energy is differentiated and released for use.

Energy is used:

1. For physical actions, both consciously directed and automatically carried out in organs of the body; for example, in the heart, stomach, etc.

2. For sex,either for sense satisfaction or with creative purpose.

3. For compassion or in corresponding negative reactions.

4. For speech.

5. For mental research or work.

6. For creative purposes.

7. For spiritual achievements.

Each outlet , functioning on its particular level, draws its energy from the main reservoir. Sometimes the condition of the outlets is as follows.

1. They all leak.

2. Several act.

3. One overacts

4. Several overact

5. A few are asleep

6. Most of them are asleep or are not functioning.

Circumstances and happenings control and condition them.

- Torkom Saraydarian.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Childish, the Adolescent, the Liberal & the Awakening

The Childish
The Adolescent
The Liberal
The Awakening
Take refuge below
Take refuge above
Take refuge on all sides
Take refuge not in position but in Being
Excuse their parents
Blame their parents
Parent their parents
Understand their parents
Sit under
Sit on
Sit between
Sit with
Want someone else to be in charge
Want no one else to be in charge
Are not sure who they want to be in charge
Recognize and cooperate with what actually is in charge
Confuse love with romance
Confuse love with freedom
Confuse love with sympathy
Are not confused about love
Erect pedestals
Mount pedestals
Level all pedestals save those of liberalism
Need no pedestals
Look up to
Look down upon
Look horizontally
Look inside their looking
Are busy being nobody
Are busy being somebody
Are busy being everybody
Simply Are
Turn shame into guilt
Turn shame into aggression
Turn shame into Impotence
Turn shame into freedom
Indulge in self-blame
Cultural blame
Do not blame
Crave parenting
Fight parenting
Legislate parenting
Are at the mercy of others’ opinions
Are at the mercy of their own opinions
Make moral real estate out of honoring all opinions
Don’t take opinions (including their own) seriously
Idolize the Sage
Discredit the Sage
Avoid the Sage
Make an opportunity out of the Sage
Act helpless
Are help
Swallow it
Reject it
Trivialize it
Respond to it until it’s no longer an it
Personify false innocence
Personify false maturity
Personify false friendship
Personify Being
Open indiscriminately
Open suspiciously
Open bureaucratically
Open until there is only openness
Fear hardness
Fear softness
Fear solidity
Don’t make a problem out of fear
Indulge in judging themselves
Indulge in judging others
Indulge in judging conditions
Do not judge
Look after they leap
Look before they leap
Look without leaping
Look as they leap
Assume someone else has It
Assume they have It
Assume no one has It
Are It