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Saturday, April 28, 2018


Written in verse form, an excellent book for meditation and contemplative study of the teachings of Lord Buddha.
Each portion of this book is written with devotion to the Lord Buddha in relating His teachings to the teaching of Christ and to the Ageless Wisdom given through many traditions.
"I suggest that this book be read slowly with reflective meditation and contemplation. I am sure the effect will be very beneficial in your daily life and in your approach to the problems of life and death and to the social and economic problems of the world. It will especially help you not to be carried away with the various difficulties confronting you in the world and in the pains and sufferings of the world. "This book will help you keep your spiritual equilibrium in the midst of the turmoil of life and help you be a point of light, service, and loving understanding."
- Torkom Saraydarian

Friday, April 27, 2018

SPIRITUAL NEW YEAR (Buddha poornima)



In Volume 1, Torkom discusses the chemistry of space and the chemistry of creation. He maps and explains how the interrelationship of the parts to the whole create chemistry and cause change in life. He states: "The whole existence and its activities are the result of astrochemistry." What we do, feel, and think creates chemistry. All of space is acting, feeling, thinking and chemistry is created. Life moves and changes due to chemical elements that we and all of Nature produce.
Through these magnificent and challenging topics, Torkom Saraydarian takes us step by step into the realm of Cosmic questions and makes these immense subjects personally meaningful. He shows us a clear path that we will need to choose, as individuals and as humanity, if we want to live, thrive, grow, and understand national, international, and global conditions. He gives us warnings and instructions on how we can deal with these challenges and still maintain our joy, our health, our balance, and our human compassion.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018



What Is Light?
An Excerpt from Luminous Life by Jacob Liberman
Since humanity’s first sunrise, seers have wondered about the nature
of light and suspected that this mysterious and all-pervasive phenomenon
must be fundamentally related to our deepest questions
about God, life, and the meaning of existence. The Bible tells us that
life began with the dawning of light, and virtually every spiritual
tradition identifies light with the Creator, speaking of the “divine
light,” the “light of God,” and describing spiritual evolution as the
process of “enlightenment.”
Health and well-being are commonly thought of as an emanation
of light — or “glow” — a radiance that cannot be described.
Glowing physical health is primarily a function of the power of
our “inner sun,” and our glow seems to increase as our awareness
expands. At full illumination, this radiance becomes visible to the
naked eye, which is why great actors are often likened to “stars,”
and saints are traditionally depicted as being surrounded by brilliant
halos and described as “illumined.”
Many of our verbal expressions also illustrate the countless ways
in which light manifests in our everyday lives. We say that pregnant
women are “glowing,” and when we feel inspired we say we have
had a “flash” of insight. When someone is very smart, we say they
are “brilliant”; and when they have changed their beliefs or thinking,
we say they have “seen the light.” When we speak of a new idea, we
might say “a light bulb went off.” When we want someone to calm
down, we might suggest they “lighten up.”
Scientists have also puzzled over the nature of light. In 1640
the Italian astronomer Galileo wrote a letter to philosopher Fortunio
Liceti stating, “I have always considered myself unable to understand
what light was, so much so that I would readily have agreed to
spend the rest of my life in prison with only bread and water if only
I could have been sure of reaching the understanding that seems so
hopeless to me.” Around 1917 the physicist Albert Einstein wrote to
a friend, “For the rest of my life I will reflect on what light is!” By
1951 he confessed that he had spent fifty years of “conscious brooding,”
trying to understand the nature of light yet was no closer to the
answer than when he began.
In the process of chasing the mystery of light, however, Einstein
developed the theory of relativity, establishing that at the speed of
light, time ceases to exist. In addition, a photon, which has no mass,
can cross the cosmos without using any energy. So for light beams,
time and space do not exist.
More recently, however, quantum physicists have described light
as the foundation of reality. This is profoundly significant when
we realize that quantum theory is considered the most successful
scientific formulation in history and that 50 percent of our current
technology is based on it. According to theoretical physicist David
Bohm, “Light is energy and it’s also information, content, form, and
structure. It’s the potential of everything.”
We live in a universe that appears to be created and nourished by
light. According to German writer and politician Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe, “All life originates and develops under the influence
of . . . light.” This becomes obvious when we experimentally place
plants, animals, or humans in darkened environments and notice
that their vitality and well-being gradually diminish, bringing their
lives to a halt. Without light, there is no will to live. We are literally
robbed of the spark that propels our spirit.
With such recognitions, the artificial distinctions we have between
science, health care, and spirituality are dissolving, and each is
being traced back to light. Mystics, scientists, and healers now agree,
in their respective terms, that light holds the secret to human awakening,
healing, and transformation.
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman’s discoveries in the fields of light, vision, and consciousness, have been enthusiastically endorsed by luminaries in the fields of health, science, and spirituality, including Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, and Eckhart Tolle. He is the author of Light: Medicine Of The FutureTake Off Your Glasses And See and Wisdom From An Empty Mind. His newest book, Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living, reveals how light guides our every step, so we may fulfill our reason for being.

Saturday, April 21, 2018


"The Hierarchy is composed of many Great Ones from all religions: great saints, great masters of literature, art, philosophy, politics, education. When people write about the Hierarchy, they give the impression that Hierarchical members are all religious people — Christians, Buddhists, or Muslims. They are not. They belong to the whole. They do not have any “ism,” any color, any belonging, here or there. World universality is in Their soul. They are universal." —Torkom Saraydarian

Sunday, April 15, 2018


" Once in Finland, i sat upon the   shores of lake Ladoga with a farm lad.  A middle aged  man passed us by and my small companion stood up and with great reverence took off his cap.

I asked him, afterwards, ' who was this man?' and with special seriousness the boy answered, 'He is
a teacher?'

I again asked,'Is it your teacher?'
'NO,' answered the boy. He is the teacher from the neighboring school.

Then you know him personally? i persisted.

'NO', he answered with astonishment.
Then why did you greet him with such reverence? Still more seriously, my little companion answered, "Because he is a teacher,'
People who have forgotten the Teacher have forgotten their future."

                                                           TORKOM SARAYDARIAN
                                                           from PSYCHE&PSYCHISM VOL1

Friday, April 13, 2018


Humanity is linked today in ways our parents never thought possible. But, the Teaching always emphasizes that we are one body, one humanity, one Self. As a result, when we hear about fear and failure, that energy runs rapidly within the body of humanity and makes us lose our magnetism. When we hear about vision, the possible, the joy, the triumph of the human soul, that also runs rapidly within the body of humanity and brings growth and expansion in us.
Unfortunately, we do not hear much of the latter but more of the former. Humanity is in desperate need to hear about spiritual vision and how to achieve it. If we as students of the Ageless Wisdom read these pages, think about them, transmit them in our thoughts and actions, and manifest them in our lives, little by little, the energy currents running through us to all of humanity will increase in speed and expand its influence on life.
Life changes only when individuals make the effort to make the change.
Torkom advises us, over and over, to take charge of our lives, to make plans and goals, to take steps, to heal, to change our self-image, to serve others, to give and to be a blessing for others.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

CLASS on 15th april





" When you are doing meditation it is not too important what you found or did not find. The important point is that you are mentally exercising...."
                                                                          TORKOM SARAYDARIAN

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


The Seven Rays are the seven rivers of energy which emanate from the Heart of our Galaxy and sustain every constellation, every star, every human being, and every atom contained within it.
In this rare interview, noted author and lecturer Torkom Saraydarian discusses and interprets the science of the Seven Rays.
Torkom Saraydarian answers questions about each Ray, talks about the greater meaning of the Great Invocation, and gives the esoteric, as well as the practical meaning of each Ray.  In this DVD, which includes original animations and music, the energy path and distribution of each Ray is shown.
Come into contact with your own essence and the essence contained in all fields of human endeavor - politics, education, communication, art, science, religion, and economics.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Meditation is an increase in light. Concentration is the core; meditation is the field. In an acorn,
 there is a concentrated oak tree. Meditation is the process of unfolding the acorn to reveal the
 tree. The acorn is becoming a tree. This is the relationship between concentration and meditation.
Contemplation follows meditation. Contemplation is like receiving radar signals from space.
                                                                                                  - Torkom Saraydarian.

Difference between Meditation and mental exercises:

An exercise is to take a pen and practice the alphabet letters over and over. Meditation is about meaning.
-          TORKOM SARAYDARIAN                                  

Meditation is not mechanical. Meditation is intentional. Meditation relates to the meaning and significances of ideas and objects.
                                                             Torkom Saraydarian


Saturday, April 7, 2018

thought for the day

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

― Thich Nhat HanhThe Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation

Friday, April 6, 2018

class details

class on 8th april



Thursday, April 5, 2018

thought for the day

Nature displays its countless riches to us, but to those who do not respect it, who only seek to selfishly exploit it for their own use, it closes its doors. Yet this is exactly the attitude most humans have toward nature – earth, water, air, the sun, and even other planets. For do you really think that what motivates humans to conquer space is not based on self-interest?
Many will say that they do not care if nature closes its doors to them. Perhaps, but if they continue this way, nature will not simply close itself off to them, it will retaliate. And then, they will have no choice but to understand and change their attitude, which only proves their lack of intelligence, their lack of love, their lack of will, their lack of everything. Lack of intelligence because they refuse to study the laws that govern nature; lack of heart because if they loved the beings that inhabit nature, they would not be so cruel as to destroy them; and lack of will because, for their own pleasure, their own comfort and their financial interests, they always choose the easy solution. Well, nature will teach them a lesson. »

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


What will life be like in the Year 3000? Is it possible to know?
Most futurists see doom and gloom. Torkom sees a future of hope and accomplishment for humanity. Basing his conclusions on the potentials inherent in our accomplishments, he writes a book of wonder, of spiritual predictions the likes of which you have never heard before; predictions of extraordinary and mythical proportion.
You will be uplifted and excited about the future of humanity.
Don't let the negative and painful predictions of our future destroy your hope and faith.
 Read this magnificent book and be filled with hope and wonder once again.
 Read this book as a story, as a myth and let it form visions of possibility in your mind. 
The first section begins with forecasts for the years 2025 to the year 3000. A specific forecast is given for the fields of politics, education, communication, the arts, science, religion, finance, health and healing.
 The next section, in verse form, depicts a great drama as it unfolds. The drama takes place in the palace of the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days. Great ones, who are said to guide and inspire each field of life, ceremoniously report to the Ancient of Days about Their key achievements in each field. 
Then, the Ancient of Days gives Instructions that will be carried out in the years beyond 3000 A.D!
Are these events fact or fiction? Is this a fable? We challenge you to read these inspiring visions and decide for yourself.
Read this book aloud with a group of friends, especially at the end of each year or beginning of a new one. Let its energy fill you with joy and hope for the future. Build a network of positive and beneficial thoughtforms in space.

Mental exercises by Torkom saraydarian

"Some people think that when they read and they listen, they are doing all that is possible to transform their nature. this is not really true. reading helps, listening helps, but these also create lots of responsibilities and pressure within our system because to read and to listen means to accumulate lots of information, knowledge --- energy , in other words.
if these energies are not assimilated and transformed and do not become an actuality in our life, it creates lots of responsibility for us.
there is no meaning in accumulating them without the intention or possibility to use them."
                                                                                          TORKOM SARAYDARIAN

The exercises in this book will give you the skills needed to transform your nature.

thought for the day

Why is it that the love between men and women does not last? Because, instead of linking each other to the divine Source so that they may be continually renewed, they cling to one another and end up depleted. When nothing is left, they are like empty vessels and they reject each other. So think of the man or the woman you love as a precious and unique being, and realize that it is through you that they can become vibrant, beautiful and rich, provided that you link them to the Source, to the heavenly Father, the divine Mother, to all the angelic hierarchies, to the sun and the stars.
Love offers you every possibility. But if, instead of uniting the being you love to heaven, you hang on to them and drain their energy, in time they will go downhill; then your love for them will lessen, and you will suffer. But whose fault is this? You must therefore learn to project this being to great heights so that they can breathe, drink, and nourish themselves. And they must do the same for you. Then, you are no longer merely vessels, you become inexhaustible springs for one another. »

Omraam Mikhael Aivanho

Tuesday, April 3, 2018





What is Poetry? By Torkom Saraydarian
 There are rare moments in our life when an event happens, but it runs by so quickly that we cannot grab it. We need a fast camera, which takes instantaneously the event that is occurring. There are many events like that in the physical plane, but especially in our emotional world and in the world of ideas, impressions, and inspirations. Events, ideas, and thoughts come and go so fast that we must develop our apparatus to catch them. That apparatus is what the real poet is, and what he catches is the poetry.
 An average man can see an event or strong emotions or a thought, but a poet can see hundreds of events in one event. His expressions are clear, but his suggestions are multidimensional. Sometimes he speaks on five levels and pursues a different goal for each one.
 Readers of poems are not average people. They have abstract and practical minds, plus the light of Intuition. It is very important to have creative imagination and visualization to catch echoes of the poems that no average ear can hear.
 Poetry is making love with your visions and with the deep feelings of your heart. In the bottom of your heart there are many subtle feelings, but they never come to the surface because of the noise of civilized life. Poets are the ones who discover them, dress them in subtle form, and present them to the world as bridges of transformation.
 A real poet makes his or her readers see rare events of life, see a drop of a tear in the smiling face of a child, for instance, and express his feelings. But also, he sees a drop of light in the darkness of night and catches it for others.
 Poets live inside their palace of bliss and pain and melt them together with their vision to make a poem — in each poem to see the subtle pain and the immense joy. Poetry is a moment of diving into the ocean of Intuition where you feel one with everything.
You catch the pearl in an oyster and bring it to the surface. Poetry cannot be explained. It only can be intuited by your heart and abstract mind. Some people think that poets are brainless people. “What is poetry?” they say.
 Poets are in the light of the intellect every moment, but they do not use that light for their selfsatisfaction and greed. Neither do they use it for judgment and criticism. Intellect for them is the principles of rhythm and harmony.
 A poet loves but does not desire. A poet rejects the gift and aspires for the giver. The poet lives in the symphony of life and tries to drown in the symphony.

 (Reprinted from the introductory materials in From My Heart, Volume 1, by Torkom Saraydarian.)

thought for the day

You like poetry, you read poems, and perhaps even write them. That’s fine, continue to do so, but know that true poetry is not found in literature, true poetry is not something that is written: it is a quality of inner life. You will only truly know what poetry is the day you harmonise your inner life with the images, rhythms and melodies of the world of the soul and spirit.
Those who truly love poetry sense that it must stem from within. They endeavour to think, feel and act poetically by fostering clear and luminous states of consciousness. These states of consciousness create true poetry in them: they are inspired, they feel as though a current is flowing through them, because within they are connected to the world of harmony. And they must do everything possible to maintain these higher levels of consciousness. »

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Monday, April 2, 2018


Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.

Thought for the day

"Remember that karma is for education. The acts  per­formed  unconsciously must
 be paid consciously. Until one pays his karma consciously he will repeat his
 actions. Only in understanding karma will one eliminate the chance of repetition 
 of his actions."

                                 by TORKOM SARAYDARIAN
                                     from: Questioning traveler & Karma


What questions do you want most answered in your life? What do you want to know about the basics of karma and the many journeys we take in our many lives?
We are travelers — on the planet, on the sea, in the air, in space. But most importantly, we are travelers of the inner space within our self. All those who are traveling that inner space journey know it begins with questions. The more precise and deep are the questions, the better will be the answers.
The way to make a breakthrough into yourself is through questions. Questions are ever-penetrating drills which help you discover new strata of life within new realms, new dimensions, new expansions.
Fourteen penetrating questions are presented to you by Torkom Saraydarian in this booklet. If you try honestly to face them and answer them, a new life will begin to unfold within you and your inner journey will have begun.
One of the “freeways” you travel on your inner journey is the freeway of Karma. What this freeway is made of, what it does, where it takes you, and how and why it affects you and your journey is explained in detail.
Torkom Saraydarian was a great traveler with burning questions in his heart and soul. Those who come in contact with his works face questions arising from their innermost being. No questions can exist if the answer is not already in existence within your soul. Bringing the answer out of your soul is the process of finding your True Self.
This booklet is an inspired and foundational introduction to our spiritual travels.

thought for the day

The law of time is implacable, nothing can withstand it. And just as we can see how a building ages and needs repair, so too do human beings, (represented by this building), and their ‘self’, which also needs to be restored, rejuvenated and enlightened, that is to say rebuilt on a new foundation, with new materials.
‘But how can we rebuild our body?’ you might ask. It is not a question of rebuilding or even rejuvenating the physical body, which we cannot prevent from ageing. But this ageing process must be compensated by the construction of our spiritual body, by means of an immutable matter found very high in the subtle regions. Through meditation and contemplation, we can attract particles of this matter and draw them to us in order to build this new body, called the body of glory. This is what St Paul meant when he spoke of the transformation of the old Adam into Christ. »

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov