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Wednesday, April 4, 2018


What will life be like in the Year 3000? Is it possible to know?
Most futurists see doom and gloom. Torkom sees a future of hope and accomplishment for humanity. Basing his conclusions on the potentials inherent in our accomplishments, he writes a book of wonder, of spiritual predictions the likes of which you have never heard before; predictions of extraordinary and mythical proportion.
You will be uplifted and excited about the future of humanity.
Don't let the negative and painful predictions of our future destroy your hope and faith.
 Read this magnificent book and be filled with hope and wonder once again.
 Read this book as a story, as a myth and let it form visions of possibility in your mind. 
The first section begins with forecasts for the years 2025 to the year 3000. A specific forecast is given for the fields of politics, education, communication, the arts, science, religion, finance, health and healing.
 The next section, in verse form, depicts a great drama as it unfolds. The drama takes place in the palace of the Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days. Great ones, who are said to guide and inspire each field of life, ceremoniously report to the Ancient of Days about Their key achievements in each field. 
Then, the Ancient of Days gives Instructions that will be carried out in the years beyond 3000 A.D!
Are these events fact or fiction? Is this a fable? We challenge you to read these inspiring visions and decide for yourself.
Read this book aloud with a group of friends, especially at the end of each year or beginning of a new one. Let its energy fill you with joy and hope for the future. Build a network of positive and beneficial thoughtforms in space.

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