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Friday, April 27, 2018


In Volume 1, Torkom discusses the chemistry of space and the chemistry of creation. He maps and explains how the interrelationship of the parts to the whole create chemistry and cause change in life. He states: "The whole existence and its activities are the result of astrochemistry." What we do, feel, and think creates chemistry. All of space is acting, feeling, thinking and chemistry is created. Life moves and changes due to chemical elements that we and all of Nature produce.
Through these magnificent and challenging topics, Torkom Saraydarian takes us step by step into the realm of Cosmic questions and makes these immense subjects personally meaningful. He shows us a clear path that we will need to choose, as individuals and as humanity, if we want to live, thrive, grow, and understand national, international, and global conditions. He gives us warnings and instructions on how we can deal with these challenges and still maintain our joy, our health, our balance, and our human compassion.

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